Have you ever noticed that when you are interested in buying a red car, then all you start to see are red cars? When I started to explore the field of executive coaching and consulting, all of a sudden I started to meet coaches and read a lot about the amazing world of coaching & consulting. And I really mean the “world of coaching”. During the past year I’ve been taking coaching courses through The Coaches Training Institute (CTI) that is based in San Rafael, California. I’ve met students and workshop leaders from the Bay Area and all over the US and Europe. CTI is the largest global coaching company and it’s been an incredible experience to learn and see how the power of coaching is present literally all over the world.

So, here’s my question: Where do you see coaching and/or consulting in action either for you personally, at work or elsewhere? And, where do you think we need MORE coaching? I worked with an executive coach when I was the CEO with my former company and she was extremely helpful to me and some of my senior leaders. Check out this story from Psychology Today about coaching with CEO’s – Why Every CEO Needs a Coach. It was spot on for a lot of reasons, and wonder if it rings true for any of you as leaders in your organization.

Coaching is also very popular (and effective) now for people who are in some form of transition in their lives such as career changes, retirement or just wanting to sell your business and move on to another chapter in your life.
Let’s hear from you on your thoughts, experiences and opinions about the coaching world and how it fits not into our daily lives.
Till next time…
